The Lab
The Lab

We are an experimental physics group in the Department of Physics at Oregon State University. We investigate applied physics questions related to nanoscale systems such as carbon nanotubes, graphene and two-dimensional semiconductors. The broader impact of our work ranges from developing new sensors to understanding new quantum phenomena.
On-going projects in 2023
- Single-pixel spectrometers: We build and measure heterostructures made from two-dimensional semiconductors. The devices have a customizable, voltage-tunable spectral response.
- Quantum phases in 1d systems: We use carbon nanotubes to confine strongly-interacting electrons inside one-dimensional wires. We study the resulting many-body quantum states.
- Quantum pumps: We build hybrid quantum systems where surface acoustic waves are coupled to one-dimensional wires.
Lab facilities

- Atomic force microscope (Asylum Research MFP3D),
- Probe station for electrical characterisation (Cascade Microtech)
- Fume hoods/wet benches for device fabrication and biology preparation.

- Electron beam evaporator for thin film deposition
- Carbon nanotube growth furnace (1 inch diameter)
- Graphene growth furnace for large-area graphene (4 inch diameter)

- Scanning photocurrent microscope with variable wavelength excitation (Fianium SC450 light source) and optical cryostat.
On-campus shared facilities
The following facilities are maintained by the OSU Materials, Synthesis and Characterization Facility (MaSC) and the OSU Electron Microscopy Facility.
- Direct write laser lithography (Heidelberg DWL 66fs)
- Photolithography (two contact aligners)
- Thin-film deposition systems
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Electron beam lithography (Nabity system)
- Transmission electron micrsocopy