Quick links: Theses, Google scholar
Journal Articles
Vernier spectrum and isospin state control in carbon nanotube quantum dots
J. Berg, N. Lotfizadeh, D. Nichols, M. J. Senger, W. De Gottardi, E. D. Minot, V. V. Deshpande
Phys. Rev. B 110, 205401 (2024).
Charge pumping in hBN-encapsulated graphene driven by surface acoustic waves
D. Nichols, J. Berg, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, P. Dhagat, V. V. Deshpande, Albrecht Jander, E. D. Minot,
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 024302 (2024), open access, cover image.
Physical Reasoning about Climate Modeling: A Bridge to Upper-Division Physics
E. D. Minot
The Physics Teacher, 61, 625 (2023), (pdf)
Multiplexed Detection of Spike Patterns using Active Graphene Neurosensors
C. V. Fengel, S. Yu, J. Kim, M. L. Johnston, E. D. Minot
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), page 1 (2023), (pdf)
Miniaturized spectrometers with a tunable van der Waals junction
H. H. Yoon, H. A. Fernandez, F. Nigmatulin, W. Cai, Z. Yang, H. Cui, F. Ahmed, X. Cui, M. G. Uddin, E. D. Minot, H. Lipsanen, K. Kim, P. Hakonen, T. Hasan, Zhipei Sun
Science 378, 296 (2022), perspective in Science, Spectroscopy world, OSU press release
Dielectric Engineering Boosts the Efficiency of Carbon Nanotube Photodiodes
M. J. Senger, A. Kefayati, A. Bertoni, V. Perebeinos, E. D. Minot
ACS Nano, 15, 10472 (2021)
Quantum interferences in ultraclean carbon nanotubes
N. Lotfizadeh, M. J. Senger, D. R. McCulley, E. D. Minot, V. V. Deshpande
Physical Review Letters 126, 216802 (2021)
Frequency-Division Multiplexing with Graphene Active Electrodes for Neurosensor Applications
J. Kim; C. V. Fengel; S. Yu; E. D. Minot; M. L. Johnston
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 68, 1735 (2021), (pdf)
Extremely Efficient Photocurrent Generation in Carbon Nanotube Photodiodes Enabled by a Strong Axial Electric Field
D. R. McCulley, M. J. Senger, A. Bertoni, V. Perebeinos, E. D. Minot
Nano Letters 20, 433 (2020), (final accepted manuscriptand supporting information)
Bandgap-dependent electronic compressibility of carbon nanotubes in the Wigner crystal regime
N. Lotfizadeh, D. R. McCulley, M. J. Senger, E. D. Minot, B. Skinner, V. V. Deshpande
Physical Review Letters 123, 197701 (2019), highlighted as editor's suggestion and a Physical Review news story. Brian Skinner's tweet.
Hall-Effect Measurements of the Double-Layer Capacitance of the Graphene-Electrolyte Interface
M. A. Brown, M. S. Crosser, A. C. Ulibarri, C. V. Fengel & E. D. Minot
J. Phys. Chem. C. 123, 22706 (2019), (final accepted manuscript and supporting information)
Interaction-Driven Giant Orbital Magnetic Moments in Carbon Nanotubes
J. O. Island, M. Ostermann, G. A. Steele, L. Aspitarte, E. D. Minot, D. Varsano, M. Rontani, E. Molinari
Physical Review Letters 121, 127704 (2018)
Deciphering Design Principles of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer-Based Protease Substrates
S. Ripp, P. Turunen, E. D. Minot, A. E. Rowan, and K. G. Blank
ACS Omega 3, 4148 (2018)
Universal interaction-driven gap in metallic carbon nanotubes
M. J. Senger, D. R. McCulley, N. Lotfizadeh, V. V. Deshpande, & E. D. Minot
Physical Review B 97, 035445 (2018), (final accepted manuscript), (highlighted as editor's suggestion)
A nanoscale pn junction in series with tunable Schottky barriers
L. Aspitarte, D. R. McCulley & E. D. Minot
Journal of Applied Physics 122, 134304 (2017), (final accepted manuscript), (AIP News Highlight)
Giant modulation of the electronic band gap of carbon nanotubes by dielectric screening
L. Aspitarte, D. R. McCulley, A. Bertoni, J. O. Island, M. Ostermann, M. Rontani, G. A. Steele & E. D. Minot
Scientific Reports 7, 8828 (2017) (Open Access), (final accepted manuscript, supporting info)
Photocurrent Quantum Yield in Suspended Carbon Nanotube PN Junctions
L. Aspitarte, D. R. McCulley, E. D. Minot
Nano Letters 16 5589 (2016), (final accepted manuscript)
Measurement of high carrier mobility in graphene in an aqueous electrolyte environment
M. A. Brown, M. S. Crosser, M. Leyden, Y. Qi & E. D. Minot
Applied Physics Letters 109, 093104 (2016), (final accepted manuscript)
Electrical Monitoring of sp3 Defect Formation in Individual Carbon Nanotubes
H. Wilson, S. Ripp, L. Prisbrey, M. A. Brown, T. Sharf, D. J. T. Myles, K. G. Blank, E. D. Minot
J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 1971 (2016), pdf
Determination of the Thermal Noise Limit of Graphene Biotransistors
M. S. Crosser, M. A. Brown, P. L. McEuen & E. D. Minot
Nano Letters 15, 5404 (2015), pdf, (Nanotechweb news article)
Graphene Biotransistor Interfaced with a Nitrifying Biofilm
M. A. Brown, L. Barker, L. Semprini, & E. D. Minot
Environmental Science and Technology Letters 2, 118 (2015), pdf
Terahertz induced transparency in single-layer graphene
M. J. Paul, B. Lee, J. Wardini, Z. J. Thompson, A. Stickel, A. Mousavian, H. Choi, E. D. Minot, and Yun-Shik Lee
Applied Physics Letters 105, 221107 (2014), pdf
Single Electron Charge Sensitivity of Liquid-Gated Carbon Nanotube Transistors
T. Sharf, Neng-Ping Wang, J. W. Kevek, M. A. Brown, H. Wilson, S. Heinze, & E. D. Minot
Nano Letters 14, 4925 (2014), pdf
Determining the Chiral Index of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes Using Photoconductivity Resonances
T. DeBorde , L. Aspitarte , T. Sharf , J. W. Kevek & E. D. Minot
J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 9946 (2014), pdf
Photothermoelectric Effect in Suspended Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes
T. DeBorde , L. Aspitarte , T. Sharf , J. W. Kevek & E. D. Minot
ACS Nano 8, 216 (2014), pdf
High-field terahertz response of graphene
M. J. Paul, Y. C. Chang, Z. J. Thompson, A. Stickel, J. Wardini, H. Choi, E. D. Minot, T. B. Norris and Yun-Shik Lee
New Journal of Physics 15, 085019 (2013), pdf
Scalable graphene field-effect sensors for specific protein detection
G. Saltzgaber, P. Wojcik, T. Sharf, M. R. Leyden, J. L. Wardini, C. A. Heist, A. A. Adenuga, V. T. Remcho & E. D. Minot
Nanotechnology 24, 355502 (2013), pdf
Exploring flatland: AFM of mechanical and electrical properties of graphene, MoS2 and other low-dimensional materials
S. Bertolazzi, J. Brivio, A. Radenovic, A. Kis, H. Wilson, L. Prisbrey, E. D. Minot, A. Tselev, M. Philips, M. Viani, D. Walters & R. Proksch
Microscopy and Analysis 27, (April 2013), pdf
Origins of Charge Noise in Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors
T. Sharf, J. W. Kevek, T. DeBorde, J. L. Wardini, & E. D. Minot
Nano Letters 12, 6380 (2012), pdf
Terahertz imaging of inhomogeneous electrodynamics in single-layer graphene embedded in dielectrics
M. J. Paul, J. L. Tomaino, J. W. Kevek, T. DeBorde, Z. J. Thompson, E. D. Minot & Yun-Shik Lee
Applied Physics Letters 101, 091109 (2012), pdf
Terahertz transmission ellipsometry of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes
M. J. Paul, N. A. Kuhta, J. L. Tomaino, A. D. Jameson, L. P. Maizy, T. Sharf, N. L. Rupesinghe, K. B. K. Teo, S. Inampudi, V. A. Podolskiy, E. D. Minot & Yun-Shik Lee
Applied Physics Letters 101, 111107 (2012), pdf
High-Contrast Imaging of Graphene via Time-Domain Terahertz Spectroscopy
J. L. Tomaino, A. D. Jameson, M. J. Paul, J. W. Kevek, A. M. van der Zande, R. A. Barton, H. Choi, P. L. McEuen, E. D. Minot, Yun-Shik Lee
J. Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 33, 839 (2012).
Transfer-Printing of As-Fabricated Carbon Nanotube Devices onto Various Substrates
Q.N. Thanh, H. Jeong, J. Kim, J.W. Kevek, Y.H. Ahn, S. Lee, E.D. Minot, J.Y. Park
Advanced Materials 24, 4499 (2012), pdf
Electrical Characteristics of Carbon Nanotube Devices Prepared with Single Oxidative Point Defects
L. Prisbrey, D. Roundy, K. Blank, L. S. Fifield & E. D. Minot
J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 1961 (2012), pdf
Increasing the detection speed of an all-electronic real-time biosensor
M.R. Leyden, R.J. Messinger C. Schuman, T. Sharf, V.T. Remcho, T.M. Squires & E.D. Minot
Lab on a Chip 12, 954 - 959 (2012), pdf
(SPIE newsroom, R&D Magazine, OSU Research Magazine).
Scanning Probe Techniques for Engineering Nanoelectronic Devices
L. Prisbrey, J.Y. Park, K. Blank, A. Moshar & E.D. Minot
Microscopy and Analysis 26, (April 2012), pdf.
Also an Application Note for Asylum Research (pdf).
A Spectrally-Tunable Photocurrent Microscope for Characterizing Nanoelectronic Devices
T. DeBorde, J.W. Kevek, T. Sharf, J.L. Wardini & E.D. Minot
Proc. IEEE Nano 11, 382-386 (2011), pdf
Fabrication of low-noise carbon nanotube field-effect transistor biosensors
T. Sharf, J.W. Kevek & E.D. Minot
Proc. IEEE Nano 11, 122-125 (2011), pdf
Controlling the Function of Carbon Nanotube Devices with Re-writable Charge Patterns
L. Prisbrey, T. DeBorde, J.Y. Park & E. D. Minot
Applied Physics Letters 99, 053125 (2011), pdf
Terahertz spectroscopy of Ni-Ti alloy thin films
A. D. Jameson, J. W. Kevek, J. L. Tomaino, M. J. Paul, M. Hemphill-Johnston, M. Koretsky, E. D. Minot & Y.S. Lee
Applied Physics Letters 98, 221111 (2011), pdf
Variable-Force Microscopy for Advanced Characterization of Horizontally-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
A. A. Almaqwashi, J. W. Kevek, R. M. Burton, T. DeBorde & E. D. Minot
Nanotechnology 22, 275717 (2011), pdf
Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy of Large-Area Single-Layer Graphene
J. L. Tomaino, A. D. Jameson, J. W. Kevek, M. J. Paul, A. M. van der Zande, R. A. Barton, P. L. McEuen, E. D. Minot & Y.S. Lee
Optics Express 19, 141-146 (2011), (pdf), (supporting info)
Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors
M. R. Leyden, C. Schuman, T. Sharf, J.W. Kevek, V.T. Remcho & E.D. Minot
Proc. SPIE, 7779, 77790H (2010), (pdf)
Modeling the electrostatic signature of single enzyme activity
L. Prisbrey, G. Schneider & E. Minot
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114, 3330-3333 (2010), (pdf)
Identifying individual single-walled and double-walled carbon nanotubes by atomic force microscopy
T. DeBorde, M. Leyden, J. C. Joiner & E. D. Minot
Nano Letters 8, 3568-3571 (2008), (pdf)
Identifying the mechanism of biosensing with carbon nanotube transistors
I. Heller, A. M. Janssens, J. Mannik, E. D. Minot, S. G. Lemay & C. Dekker
Nano Letters 8, 591 (2008).
Carbon nanotube biosensors: the critical role of the reference electrode
E. D. Minot, A. M. Janssens, I. Heller, H. A. Heering, C. Dekker & S. G. Lemay
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 093507 (2007)
Single quantum dot nanowire LEDs
E. D. Minot, F. Kelkensberg, M. van Kouwen, J. A. van Dam, L. P. Kouwenhoven, V. Zwiller, M. T. Borgstrom, O. Wunnicke, M. A. Verheijen and E. P. A. M. Bakkers
Nano Letters 7, 367 (2007)
Measurement of the adhesion force between carbon nanotubes and a silicon substrate
J. D. Whittaker, E. D. Minot, D. M. Tanenbaum, P. L. McEuen & R. C. Davis
Nano Letters 6, 953-957 (2006)
Determination of electron orbital magnetic moments in carbon nanotubes
E. D. Minot, Yuval Yaish, Vera Sazonova & Paul L. McEuen
Nature 428, 536 (2004)
Tuning Carbon Nanotube Band Gaps with Strain
E. D. Minot, Yuval Yaish, Vera Sazonova, Ji-Yong Park, Markus Brink, & Paul L. McEuen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 156401 (2003)
Multiple Echoes, Multiple Quantum Coherence, and the Dipolar Field: Demonstrating the Significance of Higher Order Terms in the Equilibrium Density Matrix
E.D. Minot, P.T. Callaghan & N. Kaplan
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 140, 200-205 (1999)
PhD and MS Theses
Interactions Between Surface Acoustic Waves and Charge Carriers in Quantum Materials
Dublin Nichols, Ph.D., 2024 (pdf on OSU Scholars Archive)
Bioelectronic Systems for Neurosensing Enabled by Graphene
Carly Fengel, Ph.D., 2022 (pdf on OSU Scholars Archive)
Optoelectronics and Quantum Transport in Ultra-Clean Chirally-Identified Carbon Nanotubes
Mitchell Senger, Ph.D., 2021 (pdf on OSU Scholars Archive)
Measuring the Electric Field Dependence of Photocurrent Quantum Yield in Suspended Carbon Nanotube pn Junctions
Daniel McCulley, Ph.D., 2020 (pdf on OSU Scholars Archive)
Graphene Biotransistors, an Exploration of Neurosensing and Biofilmsensing Applications
Morgan A. Brown, Ph.D., 2017 (pdf)
Electron-electron Interaction Driven Phenomena in Carbon Nanotube Devices
Lee Aspitarte, Ph.D., 2017 (pdf)
Intracellular measurements of neurons using the sharp electrode technique
Jay F. Howard, M.S., 2016 (pdf)
Liquid-Gated Carbon Nanotube Transistor Noise Sources and Sensitivity Limits
Tal Sharf, Ph.D., 2014 (pdf)
Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy Study of Photovoltaic and Thermoelectric Effects in Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Tristan DeBorde, Ph.D., 2014 (pdf)
Comparison of carbon nanotube and graphene field-effect transistor biosensors
Grant Saltzgaber, M.S., 2012 (pdf)
Fabrication and Characterization of a Label-Free Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor
Peter Wojcik, M.S., 2012 (pdf)
Carbon Nanotube Devices Engineered by Atomic Force Microscopy
Landon Prisbrey, Ph.D., 2011 (pdf)
Label-free Biosensing with Carbon Nanotube Transistors
Matthew R. Leyden, Ph.D., 2011 (pdf)
Tuning the Band Structure of Carbon Nanotubes
Ethan D. Minot, Ph.D., 2004 (pdf)
Selected Undergraduate Theses
Numerical Simulation of a Thouless Pump
Bryce Wall, BS, 2024 (pdf on OSU Scholars Archive)